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Tartu Open 2003

19 juuli 00:00 - 19 juuli 00:00
Tartu, Eesti

Seekordne Tartu Open toimub kaunis looduslikus kohas, mille nimeks Pühajärve.
Sel aastal on pühajärvele juurdeehitusi tehtud,nt majutuse hinna sees on lisaks hommikusöögile ka hommikune ujumine basseinis, olemas on koht lõkkeõhtu/pikniku korraldamiseks, mis ka plaanis jm huvitavat — vt ka www.pyhajarve.com -puhkekeskuse kodukas.
Osavõtumaks 200.- tuleb maksta Hansapanka EVS arvele 221010707156-alles pärast selle tasumist saab registreerumine tehtud.

The tournament takes place on 16th.-19th of July 2003 in Pühajärve Recreation and Conference Centre- a mansion situated near to one of most picturesque lakes in Southern Estonia. Modern conference centre to hold debates in, cozy accomodation, a la carte restaurant, saunas, pool, etc. See more on www.pyhajarve.com The finals will be held in Tartu University main building.
Why participate?
 A good experience- a way to enhance your debating skills through practise- a tournament with five rounds, semifinals and a final round in Tartu University
 Workshops held by professionals- debaters from Great Britain
 The international atmospere- every year debaters from 10-15 countries have participated
 A possibility to make new friends, to meet the old ones and have a good time (volleyball, saunas, swimming, band, picnic, other free time activities)
General topic?
NATO and international relations
This year the tournament is organised in cooperation with Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association.
How to get there?
The tournament-buses to Pühajärve are leaving 9 a.m from Tallinn and 12 a.m from Tartu.
The easiest way to get to Estonia is by plane (try www.estonian-air.ee; www.finnair.com; www.ryanair.com) or by bus (see www.eurolines.ee; www.ecolines.lv). Let us know when and where are you arriving and we will be there to pick you up. If you need accommodation for some extra nights- inform us and we will organise it.
What to do in order to participate?
Deadline for registration*: 01.06.2003
Participation fee: 60 euros per person
Payment of participation fee onto the account of Estonian Debating Society, Hansapank 221010707156
*If possible registration continues after 01.06. 2003, but with a participation fee 80 euros per person
NB!! 1 judge per 2 teams
Most probably IDEA will provide travel grants- I will let you know as soon as possible
For additional information send an email to the address mae_parve@yahoo.co.uk(GSM +372 56 650 900)

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