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Eesti Väitlusselts annab teada, et reedel, 25. oktoobril toimub Park Inn Meritoni hotellis (Toompuiestee 27, Tallinn) kell 10.30-17.00 rahvusvaheline haridusvaldkonna konverents Baltic MIL Summit.

Baltic MIL Summitit korraldatakse Balti riikide koostöös kolmandat korda. Sündmus koosneb praktilistest töötubadest ning fookuses on meedia- ja infokirjaoskuse (MIL) praktikute võrgustumine, kogemuste jagamine ning MILi edendamine.

Mida võid sündmuselt oodata:

  • Ainulaadseid töötube, mille eesmärk on laiendada osalejate teadmisi meedia loomisest ja MILi-alastest tõhusatest koolitusmeetoditest;
  • Praktilisi nippe juhtivatelt meediapädevuse ja -kommunikatsiooniekspertidelt;
  • Mõttevahetust ja arutelusid teiste MILi entusiastidega Eestist, Lätist ja Leedust.

Registreerumine: https://forms.gle/xvH7stzzdPRpijVs7 

Oodatud on MILi edendajad haridus- ja noortevaldkonnast, sealhulgas õpetajad, koolitajad, noorsootöötajad, raamatukogutöötajad, sotsiaalmeedia sisuloojad ning MILi eksperdid. Kohti on piiratud arv, kiirusta!

Ürituse keel on inglise keel. Täispikk programm selgub peagi, püsige lainel!

Baltic MIL Summit on osa balti riikide meedia- ja infokirjaoskuse teemalisest projektist, mida toetab Saksa välisministeerium koostöös Deutsche Welle Akademie’ga.

Lisainfo: gabija@zef.lt


Join us at the 3rd Annual Baltic MIL Summit!

We are excited to invite you to the Baltic Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Summit — an international conference dedicated to promoting, networking, and sharing best practices in Media and Information Literacy across Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

When? October 25th, 2024

Where? Tallinn, Estonia

This year’s Summit promises to bring together experts, educators, and leaders from the Baltic region to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in MIL. It’s the perfect space to exchange ideas, network, and gain practical skills that you can apply in your daily work.

What to Expect:

  • Exclusive workshops designed to expand your knowledge of media creation and effective training methods;
  • insights from leading figures in media literacy and communication;
  • an unique chance to connect with like-minded professionals and enthusiasts from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

The full programme will be announced soon — stay tuned!

Want to attend?

Register now and secure your spot: https://forms.gle/xvH7stzzdPRpijVs7

After registration, kindly please wait for the final aproval.

Traveling and accommodation (for participants from Latvia and Lithuania) costs will be covered by the organizers.

The Baltic MIL Summit is part of the Baltic MIL Project, supported by the German Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with DW Akademie, and organized by the Knowledge Economy Forum and the Estonian Debating Society.

Event schedule:

10:30-11:00 – Arrival and registration of the participants, welcome coffee
11:00-11:30 – Classroom to the World: The Power of Student Media  (Experts and practitioners from the three Baltic States will share their ideas and insights on MIL education)
11:30-13:00 – Workshop Session I
(3 different workshops focused on practical media creation and sharing of MIL educational practices happening at the time. Registration to the workshops – at the beginning of the event)
13:00-14:00 – Lunch
14:00-14:15 – MIL success story: practical insights
14:15-14:30 – MIL success story: practical insights
14:30-15:00 – Coffee
15:00-16:30 – Workshop Session II
(3 different workshops focused on practical media creation and sharing of MIL educational practices happening at the time. Registration to the workshops – at the beginning of the event)
16:30-17:00 – Closing of the event

We look forward to seeing you in Tallinn!

Any questions? Contact us: gabija@zef.lt